A simple Mpesa WooCommerce payment gateway that allows customers to send the shop owner the payments on the mobile phone number.
Last updated
June 10, 2023
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Send to Mpesa Payment Gateway

Most WooCommerce users who want to receive payment via Mpesa do not have the PayBill or Till number.  

This plugin is designed to allow such users to receive payment from customers who want to send the payment to the business or personal phone number.

In the settings page you can add the instructions to your customers to allow them to make payments by sending to the store number or your Safaricom number.

The checkout provides the three important fields (customer name, customer mobile number and the Mpesa transaction code ) for MANUAL confirmation of the payment. 

Note: This is a MANUAL – Send Money to Mpesa as a payment method. This plugin does not have the API verification


This plugin does not have any relation with WooCommerce or M-PESA trademarks or brands. It is provided for the sole purpose of connecting WooCommerce to the Mpesa payment.

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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.