BETA - Do not use for production yet RSVP Bee is a management tool for keeping track of wedding guest lists and guest RSVP.
Last updated
November 16, 2011

RSVP Bee is a management tool for keeping track of guest lists. Originally written for wedding guest lists it can be used for any event. Keep track of guest information such as names, contact info, relationships to other guests for seating and informational purposes. Create, view, update, and remove guests on a directly from your WordPress back end. Guest can also have the ability to modify their information and RSVP to your event through your WordPress site.

0.2 Changes *Heavily reduced the number of database queries for the “View Guest List” page *Improved the way linked guests are stored and linked *Various visual improvements *Various class improvements

Freeon Creator plan
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.