
RSS FEED anywhere

> important: You can use this "plugin" even if you are not allowed to install plugins. To run this RSS FEEDER, its not neccessary to acti …
Last updated
October 9, 2008
Active installations

important: You can use this “plugin” even if you are not allowed to install plugins. To run this RSS FEEDER, its not neccessary to activate it.

You only have to place the swf-file on a server (free-hosting..) and edit the embed-Tag. Finished! With the proxy-feature, you are allowed, to feed your RSS-Stream from anywhere. (Myspace etc.)

You also can get your RSS-Feed from free hosts blogs. (without upload or edit the template files or stuff like that.) You dont have to place a crossdomain.xml (thats useful, because in some cases thats not possible: if you dont have enough permissions.. etc) on your Server! (you can, if you want to disable the proxy-function. But you dont have to! 🙂 )

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.