
Role Approved Comment

This plugin will allow any specified role to have their comments automatically approved.
Last updated
November 24, 2009
Active installations

This plugin was developed to meet a specific need: an organisation had members and non-members logging into the blogs. The requirement called for members to be able to comment without needing administrator approval. Non-members needed to get their comments approved before they were displayed.

So long as users are created with the correct role (e.g. “members” and “nonmembers” in this case) this plugin allows you to add the “Role Approved Comments” capability to any of those roles. If the role a user is in has that capability, then their comments will automatically be approved.

There is no administration screen for this plugin. You must use the capsman plugin to manage the capability. The capability will appear as “Role approved comment”.

This plugin does not affect any other rules you have set for approvals. For example, if comments are set to be auto-approved once a user has already got one approved comment through the system, then their subsequent comments will be approved regardless of the capability setting.

Arbitrary section

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.