
Recommended Links for WordPress

A sort of "Reddit clone" that allows users to post links, up- or down-vote them, and comment on them.
Last updated
May 24, 2012
Active installations
Recommended Links for WordPress

This plugin aims to support community link-sharing, social bookmarking, and discussion of links in the WordPress environment.

This is still at an early stage of what I hope will be a much more ambitious project. If you want to try this out, please give me feedback.

I will guarantee backwards compatibility with all data saved by the plugin, so it should be safe to install and activate, and as I add features, your existing posts and links will work with them just fine.

See the plugin’s wiki page on github for more up-to-date documentation (its hard to keep documentation updated in multiple places).

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.