Recommend allows you to add a like user action to your content. Unlike social sharing or commenting, the like action is simple and intuitive.
Last updated
March 20, 2023
Active installations


  • Give users a “like” action on posts
  • Display the like count on a post
  • Custom label text for like count
  • Disable label text for count site-wide
  • Choose between a “Thumbs Up” or a “Heart” icon
  • Limit like action to specific post types
  • Disable plugin CSS or add custom styling rules

By default, the like count will be displayed below the content for individual posts across all post types. You can disable this in the plugin settings or define which post types to include.

If you’d rather display the like count in your template files, use the below code:

<?php if( function_exists('wp_recommend_show_likes') ) wp_recommend_show_likes(); ?>


The following shortcode will display the like count on any post.


The following shortcode will display a list of most liked posts. There are two optional parameters to fine tune the displayed results: post_type and posts_per_page. The default values for these parameters are shown in the example below.

[recommend-liked-posts post_type="post" posts_per_page="5"]
Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.