Randomly display any content anywhere on your site.
Last updated
May 16, 2023
Active installations
Random Content

This plugin allows you to display random content anywhere on your site using a shortcode or widget. You can group your random content together, allowing you to display different content in multiple locations throughout your site.

The content is added via a custom post type, so you have full access to the tinyMCE editor. This allows you to easily add images, text, and links to your random content.

Using a widget

  1. Navigate to Appearance->Widgets and add the Random Content widget to a sidebar.
  2. Select a group from the dropdown. If you don’t create a group, the widget will use all entries.

Using a shortcode

Place the shortcode [random_content] anywhere on a post or page.

To choose entries from a specific group, add the group_id parameter. For example, [random_content group_id="64"].

To specify the number of posts to show, add the num_posts parameter. For example, [random_content group_id="13" num_posts="3"].

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.