
RAEK First-Party Data Collection

One tool to collect, organize and utilize your first-party data, so you can turn more visitors into buyers.
Last updated
April 11, 2024
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RAEK First-Party Data Collection


You already have first-party data from customer purchases, form fills on your website, and surveys or quizzes. RAEK supercharges your first-party data growth by building marketable customer data profiles on the website visitors you don’t know and organizes it all in one place.

RAEK IDENTIFIES & BUILDS CONTACT PROFILES ON YOUR WEBSITE VISITORS The problem with pop-ups and forms is that people don’t fill them out and the data you collect is limited. We’re filling in the gaps, RAEK builds customer data profiles for both your known and unknown visitors.

GROW SUBSCRIBERS. GROW REVENUE With RAEK’s marketing tool, your brand can provide one- to-one experiences with more people. Our technology allows for real-time, triggered communications with people you previously couldn’t reach. RAEK dramatically scales the number of triggered emails you send.

DATA SHOULD MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER, NOT HARDER You’re busy. Everything you dedicate your time to needs to make a difference. Customer data is worthless — unless you can use it. RAEK makes it easy, by integrating with the business tools you already use. Set up takes minutes and then RAEK automatically pushes organized, marketable customer data profiles to your CRM, AD Networks, Sales Teams, or Email Service.

A DATA PLATFORM FOR EVERYONE At RAEK, we believe access to business critical technology should be accessible to businesses of all sizes. Our priority is providing access to tools to build and utilize first-party data.

SIMPLE FEATURES – BIG IMPACT You have revenue goals, but you don’t have a ton of time to dedicate to learning a new platform. RAEK was built with that in mind, simple set-up, simple features, so you can instantly utilize your first-party data across your marketing channels.

How It Works

RAEK’s WordPress plugin not only adds a tracking script to your site and collects data on all of the traffic, but it also identifies and builds profiles. Identified traffic is collected and added to your RAEK Account where you can access or automatically import that information into an existing CRM system for direct customer interaction.


  • Anonymous Web Traffic Identification
  • Convert Third-Party Data to First-Party Data
  • Your Data is Safe with RAEK’s Customer Vault

Important Legal Information

To learn more about the services RAEK offers visit By installing and using the RAEK plugin you agree and accept RAEK’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Privacy and security have the upmost priority at RAEK. To learn more about our policies and compliance, please visit our Legal Overview page.

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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.