
Proxy IP Addresses for Cloudfront with Wordfence

Automatically update Wordfence's list of proxy IP addresses with Cloudfront IP addresses
Last updated
March 19, 2024
Active installations

If you have Cloudfront in front of WordPress and are using Wordfence, this plugin is for you.

If you don’t provide Cloudfront’s IP addresses to Wordfence, any bad behavior out there can get Cloudfront itself blocked by Wordfence – and then no one will be able to access your site.

This plugin downloads Cloudfront’s IP address list directly from Amazon Web Services (AWS). Then it adds and automatically updates the proxy IP addresses for Cloudfront in Wordfence, so that Wordfence can correctly identify the end user’s IP address.

AWS updates its list of IP addresses every now and then. Don’t manually add IP addresses, and then try to keep track of Cloudfront IP address changes. Just install this plugin and stop worrying!

Want to change how this plugin works, or add to it? Fork it on GitHub!

Documentation, privacy, terms of use, and the list of IP addresses that are used by this plugin can be found here:

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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.