Allows authors to add a picture to their profile and automates the process of displaying profiles. Highly configurable via plugin and widget settings.
Last updated
January 24, 2009
Active installations

This plugin allows authors to add a picture to their profile and helps automate the process of displaying author profiles


  • Automatic setup – no template/code modification needed
  • Widget to display profile in the side bar – fully configurable
  • Easy profile display with shortcodes – within a page or post simply add [printprofile] to display your author profile and picture, or [printprofilepic] to display your profile picture
  • Optional template override setting will make author links go to the author’s profile
  • Work in tandem with Krischan Jodies’ Get Recent Comments plugin (ie. displays your profile pic next to your comments)
  • For multi-author blogs, administrators can edit (read: moderate) other authors’ pictures
  • For those old-school WordPress folks, the plugin supports a full set of template tags to enable template integration

Template Tags

(Note that the plug still supports legacy v.1 tags as well)

Template Tag 1:

Get Author Image Tag – makes a pretty <img> tag for author’s picture.

USAGE: profilepic_internal_imagetag(‘authorID’, ‘tags’, ‘display’)

FUNCTION: returns image for author wrapped in image tag, style accessable via id=”authorpic”


  • authorID: id number of author
  • tags: attributes to include in img tag (optional, defaults to no tags)
  • display: display results in html (ie. echo) or reuse in php? true or false (optional, defaults to true)


<?php profilepic_internal_imagetag($authid, 'align=left'); ?>

Result (ex.):

<img src="" width=200 height=199 align=left id="authorpic" />

Template Tag 2:

Get Author Image Path – useful if you need to do something else with the path or url (link to it, stuff it into another function, make your own image tag, etc)

USAGE: profilepic_internal_picpath(‘authorID’, ‘display’, ‘type’)

FUNCTION: returns url or absolute path to author’s picture


  • authorID: id number of author
  • display: display results in html (ie. echo) or reuse in php? (optional, defaults to false)
  • type: specify what kind of path requested: ‘url’ or ‘absolute’ (optional, defaults to url)


<?php profilepic_internal_picpath($authid, true, 'absolute'); ?>

Result: /home/jdoe/public_html/blog/wp-content/uploads/authors/1.jpg

Template Tag 3:

Get Author’s Image’s Dimension – useful if you are making your own <img> tag, or a div container for the img

USAGE: profilepic_internal_fingerdimensions(‘path’, ‘dimension’, ‘display’)

FUNCTION: returns requested dimension of author’s picture


  • path: absolute path to author’s picture from server root’,
  • dimension: the dimension you want, can be either ‘height’ or width’
  • display: display results in html (ie. echo) or reuse in php? true or false


  1. to get picture width… (using profilepic_internal_picpath to get path to picture)


    <?php profilepic_internal_fingerdimensions(profilepic_internal_picpath($authid, false, 'absolute'), 'width', true); ?>

    Result (Ex.): 200

  2. to get picture height… (using profilepic_internal_picpath to get path to picture)


    <?php profilepic_internal_fingerdimensions(profilepic_internal_picpath($authid, false, 'absolute'), 'height', true); ?>

    Result (Ex.): 199

Template Tag 4:

Get Author’s Avatar – intended for use in the comments loop

USAGE: profilepic_internal_gravatar($authorID, $tags = ”)

FUNCTION: returns image tag if authorID is a registered user of your blog, false if author is not


  • authorID: id number of author
  • tags: attributes to include in img tag (optional, defaults to no tags)



<?php if (function_exists('profilepic_internal_gravatar')) { $author_gravatar = profilepic_internal_gravatar($comment->user_id, "class='gravatar'"); } else { $author_gravatar = false; } if ($author_gravatar != false) { echo $author_gravatar; } ?>

Result (Ex.):

<img src="" width=80 height=80 class='gravatar' />
Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.