Allows you to specify on individual pages or posts the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) Image on that page to preload, making the page load quicker.
Last updated
February 26, 2024
Active installations
Preload LCP Image

This plugin will add the ability to preload the largest contentful paint (LCP) Image on an individual page or post. This is designed to remove the “Preload the image used by the LCP element in order to improve your LCP time” warning that Google’s Pagespeed Insights sometimes serves.

For Support

I offer support in two places:-

On Github

This project is now on github, you can view the repository here. There are other versions, but this is the one I’ve put up, so where all the developmental will be tracked.

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.