Simple like/unlike function for posts. No dislikes. Bring your own CSS.
Last updated
October 19, 2017
Active installations

Enables a simple like/unlike feature to be added to posts, pages, etc. There is no dislike feature. You are expected to style it however you like so it matches your theme; it has none of its own CSS. There is also no admin page or options for this plugin.

Add the like button to your template using the included PHP function:

<?php post_likerator(); ?>

By default it will use the current post ID and echo the like button’s markup. You can change this by passing (integer) Post ID and (boolean) echo arguments to the function:

<?php $like_button = post_likerator(2501, false); ?>

The above will attribute likes to post ID 2501 and will assign the string of markup to the $like_button variable instead of echoing it.

Once you’ve got it looking awesome, click to like the post. Clicking again will unlike it. You can go back and forth as much as you want, but it will probably get boring after a little while.

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.