Pojo Sidebars generates as many sidebars as you need. It then allows you to place them on any Post, Page or Custom Posts Type in your WordPress site.
Last updated
July 23, 2023
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Pojo Sidebars

With Pojo Sidebars you can create as many sidebars you need for any page you want. Especially for themes based on Pojo Framework.

You can easily separate your site into sections, as well as set a specific sidebar for every single page or custom post type.

You can replace any sidebar with a different one by embedding it in the Text Editor with a unique shortcode.

Display a sidebar using a built-in shortcode:

[pojo-sidebar id="ID"]

Display a sidebar using a WordPress function:

<?php dynamic_sidebar( 'pojo-sidebar-ID' ); ?>

Would you like to like to contribute to Pojo Sidebars? You are more than welcome to submit your requests on the GitHub repo. Also, if you have any notes about the code, please open a ticket on this issue tracker.

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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.