Displays product options with special layout for pizza toppings.
Last updated
November 25, 2023

This plugin requires Simple Product Options for WooCommerce plugin.

Splits the toppings option into separate columns. And displays an error message if more than allowed toppings are selected.

To split the option into multiple columns you will have to set special sort order. For example, the toppings with sort order greater than 100 will be placed into the second column. Then the toppings with sort order greater than 200 will be placed into third column and so on.

You can check a demo page here: DEMO Page

You can read the installation instructions here: README

Simple Code Idea:

The idea of this plugin is to keep the base version as simple as possible. And to add the new features as modifications.

This plugin has just 22 files to make it easy to use and customize.

Contact me by email pektsekye@gmail.com if you have questions or need help.


Available Languages

  • English (Default)


Full documentation is available here.

Freeon Creator plan
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.