Quickly toggle plugin activation status from the toolbar.
Last updated
June 5, 2023
Active installations
Plugin Toggle

For those times when you’re too lazy to visit the Plugins screen to toggle a plugin on or off.

It’s also helpful when troubleshooting:

This simple plugin is awesome, especially when it comes to diagnosing problems. One of the tenants of troubleshooting WordPress is to disable every plugin and re-enable them one by one in a process of elimination.

Generally, this is accomplished by having the plugin management page in one browser tab with the front end of the website in another. When a plugin is deactivated, switch browser tabs and refresh to see if the problem disappears. Depending on the speed of your site and the number of plugins installed, this can be a cumbersome experience.

Jeff Chandler, WP Tavern

Additional Resources

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.