Set a custom page/post title, description and social share image. Adds OG Meta tags and Twitter card tags automatically. Add custom code to header, bo …
Last updated
November 13, 2023
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PEPS Media SEO Simple

PEPS Media SEO Simple, some features: – The plugin is totally free and has no paid or pro-version. You can use it to the max! – Very lightweight, just +/-15kb of code. – This plugin adds features that WordPress or themes often lack by default. – Edit the title and description tag of any post or page. – Set a social share image from your media library. – Adds Twitter card tags. – Open Graph Protocol tags are automatically generated for each page or post, based on the information you enter. Like OG: title, description, share image, url, alt tags etc. – If you are an admin it lets you add custom code to the header, after body open and footer sections of each page. – Thus you can easily add custom CSS or JavaScript, Google Analytics, Tag Manager code or some third party code. – Set a single page or post to ‘noindex’ so search engines won’t show that page or post in the search results. – Option to disable Attachment Pages (from WP 6.4). – Option to disable the ‘user’, ‘author’, ‘category’, ‘tags’, ‘testemonial’ sitemaps. – Option to include the sitemaps of your website’s translations into the main sitemap. – Ooptin to exclude a specific page or post from the sitemap. – Option to disable author pages. – A [year] shortcode is available, so you can easily display the current year anywhere. – You can also use shortcodes in the title and meta description fields.

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.