Highly optimized post views counter using Redis
Last updated
July 27, 2018
Active installations
Redis Post Views

Imagine a high traffic website that needs post views as an algorithm to display posts on the homepage. This website also uses Varnish Caching. So we need an AJAX based post views counter. Now imagine a minimum 5000 concurrent users browsing the website, so we can’t use the default “AJAX in Plugins” as live updates on the backend using update_post_meta will be very painful for the backend.

So what can we do ?

What if all these post views counts will be done in memory using Redis ? Then we run a cornjob using WP-CLI to sync the post views count in Redis to the WordPress database.

Redis Post Views was born.

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.