
Notifications On Post Like For BuddyBoss
Last updated
February 9, 2024
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Notifications On Post Like For BuddyBoss

Enhance the engagement on your BuddyBoss platform with our specialized plugin by AcrossWP. This powerful extension ensures that post authors receive instant notifications whenever their posts are liked by members.

Key Features:

Real-Time Notifications: Post authors are instantly notified when members like their posts, keeping them engaged and informed.

Boosted Interaction: Encourage more interactions between members and authors, fostering a vibrant community.

Customizable Preferences: Authors can fine-tune their notification settings to suit their preferences, ensuring a personalized experience.

Seamless Integration: Effortlessly integrates with BuddyBoss, seamlessly becoming a part of your existing platform.

New BuddyBoss Platform Notification API Support: Utilizes the latest BuddyBoss platform notification API for enhanced performance and reliability.

User-Friendly Interface: Easy-to-use and intuitive, ensuring a hassle-free experience for both authors and members.

Track Engagement: Gain insights into post popularity and member interactions with detailed analytics.

Elevate your BuddyBoss community with Notifications On Post Like For BuddyBoss. Install now and watch your platform thrive with increased engagement and interaction!

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.