Narwhal Microblog adds a minimal front-end posting form on any page with the [narwhal] shortcode.
Last updated
April 5, 2024
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Narwhal Microblog

Narwhal Microblog adds a minimal front-end posting form on any page with the shortcode, [narwhal]. It’s meant for short updates or microblogging.

The form submits without refreshing the page and then redirects to the post that was created. If you don’t quite like this behavior, check out the FAQs.

Unlike other front-end forms that have you type out the title, post content, and tags separately, this plugin takes an original approach by using a special format. Think of it like using markdown in a way (if you’re familiar with that). Once you commit the format to memory it makes posting updates even faster.

What you type into the textarea is:

(Title in parentheses) Content on a new line with any word #hashtagged.


(This is an amazing title) But, the #content is even better!

The above would create a post titled, “This is an amazing title,” with “content” as a tag.

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.