Displays unique daily visits. Web page tables. Dashboard widget with monthly comparisons.
Last updated
November 1, 2023
Active installations
MC Visitor Tally

Easy-to-use visitor counter designed for the website admin. With a clean look appropriate for a professional website. Features:

  • Unique site visitor counts in these time frames: Today, Yesterday, Past 7 Days, Current Month, Current Year.
  • Counts are shown in an admin dashboard widget which appears when the plugin is activated.
  • The admin dashboard widget has an optional table of monthly totals for comparisons.
  • The dashboard widget tells when the plugin was installed so you know when the counts on your website began.
  • Use the front-end WIDGET (MC Visitor Tally) to place the tallies on website pages, sidebars, and/or footer.
  • Use the SHORTCODE [mcvt-visitor-tally] to place the tallies in sidebars, pages, and other locations on the website.
  • Use any of several styles of visitor tables on your website with the shortcode and widget.
  • The year-to-date count on the shortcode and widget can be turned off if you don’t want to show the YTD numbers at this time.
  • Visitor data more than one year old are automatically deleted from the plugin’s database table, removing unneeded records.
  • Counts are real people, as most bots and crawlers will not be counted.

Settings and Use

  • SETTINGS LINK: Find “MC Visitor Tally” under “Settings” in the left menu. Also found under the plugin name in the list of installed plugins.
  • MONTHLY COMPARISONS: Decide if you want month-to-month totals shown in the admin dashboard widget for comparisons. Also shows the total for the past 12 months.
  • ONLINE TABLE STYLES: Choose a style for online tables. Experiment with this – themes and page builders display these tables very differently.
  • YEAR-TO-DATE TOTALS: On the settings page, you can turn off the year-to-date counts on your website pages.
  • WIDGET: Use the widget (MC Visitor Tally) to add the counter to sidebars or other widget-enabled areas of the website.
  • SHORTCODE: Use the shortcode [mcvt-visitor-tally] to add the counter to any page, sidebar, or the footer.
  • ON PLUGIN REMOVAL: On the settings page, you can decide not to delete the database table when removing the plugin – if you intend to re-install it later.
Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.