MB Social sharing is a simple social share buttons of Facebook, Twitter, GooglePlus, Linkedin, Pinterest, Digg, Reddit.
Last updated
July 18, 2019

It is a social share button plugin. Using this plugin you can easily manage the social share buttons. You just use this shortcode [mb_social_share label=”Social Sharing” link=”www.google.com” content=”This is social sharing plugin”] whatever you want to use social share buttons. You just put your sharing link, content and label.

Plugin Shortcode

You just use this shortcode [mb_social_share label=”Social Sharing” link=”www.google.com” content=”This is social sharing plugin”] whatever you want to use social share buttons. You just put your sharing link, content and label.

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.