
MacTrak for FindMeSpot (Spot Tracker)

... See it at: ... A WP plugin to save Find Me Spot (Spot Tracker) GPS route data and messages to your wordpress blo …
Last updated
October 3, 2017
Active installations

… See it at: … A WP plugin to save Find Me Spot (Spot Tracker) GPS route data and messages to your wordpress blog for backup and to display them on a Google Map via shortcode.

Spot Tracker will process data pings but will not save them or display them on the Find Me Spot website beyond a few days. This Plugin will save them from the Spot servers at regular intervals to your wordpress site and allow them to be displayed to the public or downloaded by site admins for backup. I developed this plugin for the interactive map of my journey Chasing the Sunrise; any problems or suggestions please email me, if it works and you like it please consider buying me a coffee and help me keep cycling 🙂

Required Notice – This plugin interfaces with the following 3rd Party services: 1. Google Maps API 2. Spot (Find Me Spot) API Further details can be found in the FAQ

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.