
Activity Log, User Activity Tracking from Logtivity WordPress Activity Logs

Activity logs made simple! You get one activity log dashboard for all your sites. Easily search your activity log and manage your activity log.
Last updated
June 20, 2024
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Activity Log, User Activity Tracking from Logtivity WordPress Activity Logs

Logtivity make WordPress activity logs simple! You get one activity log dashboard for all your sites. From the Logtivity app, you can easily search your activity logs and manage your activity logs.

When you use Logtivity to monitor your WordPress sites, you can relax. We track everything that happens on the sites you maintain, and Logtivity also sends you alerts for important events!

Logtivity is a unified platform that with activity logs and errors logs across all your WordPress sites. We record everything that happens, and then send you alerts for important events! You can install Logtivity’s plugin and then use our service to keep a close eye on everything that happens on your sites.

WordPress Activity Logs

Logtivity provides the best activity logs for WordPress agencies. You can record all the user activity on your clients’ sites. Then you can use the activity log data to send notifications to email or Slack. Plus, you can easily search and export the information. And you can turn the activity log data into beautiful, useful charts.

If you have customers on your clients’ WordPress site, you’ll find Logtivity to be invaluable. Because Logtivity records all the important activity, you can see real customer journeys across the WordPress sites. This can be incredibly helpful for customer support: the activity log will show exactly what a user has done on your site.

To get started, simply install the Logtivity plugin and then connect your site to Logtivity. You’ll immediately start to see the results.

Click here to see more about activity logs.

WordPress Error Logs

Logtivity records all PHP errors on your sites, including Errors, Warnings, and Notices.

You can see the errors, how often they occur, and when they last occurred. It doesn’t matter where your site is hosted. Our logs will record the errors and point you to the file that’s causing problems.

We’ll notify you as soon as an error occurs, allowing you to jump on it as soon as possible rather than waiting for a user to report it.

Click here to see more about error logs.

Instant Alert Notifications for WordPress Sites

With Logtivity alerts, you can keep an eye on all your clients’ sites. You can set up flexible alerts for single sites or all your clients’ sites.

These notifications can go directly to your email inbox or to Slack channels.

If you have many sites, you can set up global alerts. For example, even if you have 100 sites, you only need to configure the alert once.

One Logtivity customer chooses to receive an email every time a plugin or theme is updated. Another WordPress agency has a Slack alert for every time an administrator logs in.

Click here to see more about alerts.

Charts from Your Activity Logs

Logtivity is a WordPress activity log with a big difference. You can track all the activity on your clients’ sites, and you can also turn that information into beautiful and useful charts.

Displaying data in charts gives you a helpful and organized overview of your clients’ key metrics. You can use these charts to show logins, purchases, subscriptions, cancellations, downloads, or any other key events. If it happens in WordPress site, Logtivity can turn it into a bar chart or a line chart.

You can also customize the date range for charts. Your charts have advanced date ranges, so you can zoom in to view any time period.

Click here to see more about charts.

Large Activity Log Exports

Normal WordPress activity plugins can not handle large amounts of data.

Logtivity is able to handle exports for even the biggest WordPress sites! If your clients’ site uses Logtivity, you can export millions and millions of logs.

In the image next to this text, you can see over a dozen CSV files. Each of these files is a Logtivity export that contains 100,000 logs. This export has 13 files, so it’s over 1,300,000 million logs in total.

Logtivity is the activity log solution for large WordPress sites!

Click here to see more about log exports.

View Activity Logs Inside WordPress

Logtivity has a central dashboard where you can see the logs for all your clients’ WordPress sites.

Plus, you and your clients can also view and search the logs from inside each WordPress site.

The image on this screen shows what you’ll see inside WordPress after installing the Logtivity plugin.

All of the activity log data is visible and searchable in the WordPress admin area. And if you want more information on any specific log entry, you can click the “View” button next to each log.

Click here to see more about the WordPress integration.

Logtivity has a White Label Mode for Agencies

The most frequent users of Logtivity are WordPress agencies and maintenance services who want to keep an eye on lots of websites.

Agencies and maintenance services often white label the services they use, and so we’ve made this possible for Logtivity also.

There’s a “White Label Mode” in Logtivity, so you can provide the smoothest experience possible for clients. You can remove all the references to Logtivity from the WordPress admin area.

Click here to see more about the White Label mode.

WooCommerce Activity Log

If you run an eCommerce store, it’s crucial to know who is making changes to your site.

This is equally important if you are a web agency assisting clients with their eCommerce stores.

Mistakes are inevitable, and sometimes clients might inadvertently damage their own sites. The issue is that these errors can take your agency many hours to rectify. Without evidence that the mistake was made by the client, the agency often has to bear the cost of fixing it.

Logtivity is the solution.

With Logtivity, you can record detailed changes to WooCommerce products, sales, refunds and more. Our activity log can also record changes to WooCommerce fields, such as the SKU, sales price, inventory count, and more.

With this level of tracking, agencies can show clients who messed up, and potentially save themselves a lot of time and money.

Click here to see more about the WooCommerce activity log.

Join Logtivity and Start Your Monitoring

Logtivity is a SaaS service You will need to create a Logtivity account to store your activity logs and create alerts. Click here to get started with Logtivity!

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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.