This plugin allows WordPress to load data from a number of neighborhood-related APIs to be presented on a single page or within your own pages / posts …
Last updated
December 15, 2015
Active installations

This plugin allows WordPress to load data from a number of neighborhood-related APIs to be presented on a single page or within your own pages / posts.

Info is recovered by calling the following APIs:

  • Real Estate Market Stats (via Zillow)
  • StreetAdvisor (via StreetAdvisor)
  • Walk Score (via Walk Score)
  • Google Maps (

To use the modules on the pre-generated Local Market Explorer “virtual pages,” you don’t need to do anything other than link to or visit the specially-crafted URLs that Local Market Explorer intercepts. The formats of these URLs look like this:

  • <>
  • <>
  • <>

For example, to load the Local Market Explorer for Seattle, WA, you’d simply need to point your browser to <>. If you have spaces in your city name, you can use hyphens for the spaces in the URL, like so: <>. You DO NOT need to pre-initialize these URLs to work; simply having Local Market Explorer installed is enough to get any of these URLs to load the appropriate data.

To use the modules with your own pages and posts, you only need to insert the Local Market Explorer shortcode text via the page / post editor. There’s a small map icon in the toolbar editor that can help you do this.

More information and help can be found in the “Help” tab in the admin once the plugin is installed.

This plugin is open-source donationware. We’re willing to accept and integrate well-written patches into the code, but the continued development of the plugin (new features, bug fixes, etc) by the plugin author is funded by either donations or companies willing to pay a fee to have their data integrated. You can thank Zillow, and StreetAdvisor for funding the vast majority of the development thus far. This plugin is currently funded by StreetAdvisor, and being developed by Caffeine Interactive.

If you’d like to contribute a feature suggestion or need to document a bug, please use the User Voice forum set up specifically for that purpose. With User Voice, each user gets a fixed number of votes that they can cast for any particular bug or feature. The higher the number of votes for an item, the higher the priority will be for that item as development commences on the plugin itself.

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.