
LH Private BuddyPress

Protect your BuddyPress Installation from strangers. Only registered users will be allowed to view directory pages, activity and profile pages.
Last updated
July 30, 2022
Active installations
LH Private BuddyPress

Protect your BuddyPress Installation from strangers. Only registered users will be allowed to view view directory pages, activity and profile pages. Users attempting to view blog content via RSS are also authenticated via HTTP Auth.

This plugin is inspired by the Private Buddypress plugin by Dennis Morhardt. I rewrote it to provide a solution that followed the WordPress coding stndards and the decisions rather than options philosophy. I deploy this on my own multisite environment where I don’t want public profiles, activity or members directories (and where I don’t want site admins changing this).

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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.