
LH Archived Post Status

Allows posts and pages to be archived so you can remove content from the main loop and feed without having to trash it.
Last updated
October 11, 2023
Active installations
LH Archived Post Status

This plugin allows you to archive your WordPress content similar to the way you archive your e-mail. Unlike other archiving solutions though this actually does it all and does it properly

  • Makes a new post status available in the drop down called Archived
  • Hides or removes your content without having to trash the content
  • Content can either be hidden entirely from public view or simply from the main loop and feed and pages, with other solutions you can only hide it from public view.
  • Allows you to add a label to the title of those posts/pages etc that are archived
  • Allows you to add a message to the top of the post/page etc that the content is no longer up too date
  • Allows you to set an archiving date after which content is automatically changed to having an archived status
  • Compatible with posts, pages and custom post types

This plugin is ideal for sites where certain kinds of content is not meant to be evergreen

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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.