Displays Last.fm cover art, friends, charts, shouts, loved tracks and user info.
Last updated
August 13, 2012
Active installations

This plugin allows you to easily display your last.fm info on your blog. There are currently 7 different things to display: cover art of your latest tracks, your friends, shouts on your profile page, coverart of your loved tracks, your user info, your most listened to albums and most listened to artists. All of these can independently be disabled or enabled.

Furthermore the plugin includes support of Sean Catchpole’s idTabs jQuery plugin which displays all the information in some nice looking jQuery tabs and some stylish hover effect for descriptions. See http://www.sunsean.com/idTabs/ and http://buildinternet.com/project/mosaic/ for further information.

Please let me know if there are any problems or feature requests.


A german translation is included. If you want to translate this plugin in your own language, feel free to use the provided .po-file.

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.