
Kikushima Recipes

Show recipes information on restaurant or recipe sites.
Last updated
June 2, 2020

When creating a restaurant site, It is important to show all the dishes in details. But no one wants to be redirected to diffrent pages when they just want to see all the dishes the restaurant can provide. This plugin makes it easy to add recipes information on the admin dashboard and you can choose to use the shortcode to display the recipes information in any page or post you want. You can also install Dynamic Featured Image plugin to add multiple thumbnails of the recipes, all the thumbnails will be shown as carousel on the page. You can also change the display format by add additional attributes to shortcode. This plugin is also useful for those who wants to create a recipe site to teach people how to cook.


  • Add recipes information on admin dashboard
  • recipes information can be added to any page or post as you want
  • Multiple thumbnails can be displayed as carousel
  • Based on bootstrap, easy to customize the style
  • choose different display format by adjusting attributes of the shortcode
  • choose to display all the recipes by diffrent categories

Lnguages: English, Japanese

Freeon Creator plan
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.