Plugin to load different types of menus with pictures.
Last updated
July 1, 2014
Active installations
Easy menus

Plugin Demo&Manual | Plugin author | Donate

Plugin to create different types of menus with pictures.

The plugin allows you to add an image to each button of the menu.

Button shortocodes in pages or post. Easy menu widget.

List of shortcodes:

  • [EasyMenu menu = xxx style = 1 /] Horizontal menu / images / submenu
  • [EasyMenu menu = xxx style = 2 /] Vertical menu with icons
  • [EasyMenu menu = xxx style = 3 /] Vertical menu with icons 2
  • [EasyMenu menu = xxx style = 5 /] Horizontal menu with icons
  • [EasyMenu menu = xxx style = 9 /] Circles menu with images
  • [xxx EasyMenu menu = style = 11 /] Horizontal menu icons / submenus
  • [xxx EasyMenu menu = style = 12 /] Buttons icons menu / submenu

xxx *** is the menu id;

You can include shortocodes within templates. For them, insert the following php code on a piece of a template: ‘<php echo apply_filters (‘the_content’, ‘[EasyMenu menu = 5 style = 1 /] “);? >’ This example would load the menu with id 5 and style of menu 1.

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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.