Fullscreen background images and background slideshows on any WordPress post or page. Easily upload and select images using the media library.
Last updated
August 28, 2020
Active installations
Jellyfish backdrop

Easily create full screen image backgrounds and fading slideshows that stretch and adapt to the size of your page.

You can either use it as a global “cover” style background that will be displayed on all pages and posts of your WordPress website or you can give individual posts or pages including custom post types their own specific background – great for giving parts of a website a whole different look.

Jellyfish Backdrop makes fullscreen background slideshows easy by allowing you to assign multiple backgrounds to any page or post.

  • Unlimited number of post and slideshows.
  • Create different slideshows or backgrounds or different areas of your site.
  • Easy to use admin panels with sortable images and media library integration.
  • Display images in any page element allowing slideshows anywhere, not just as a background!


See the plugin homepage for demos and full details: http://strawberryjellyfish.com/wordpress-plugins/jellyfish-backdrop/


Visit the settings page to set up the global and default options. Here you’ll be able to set up a default background image that will be displayed on every page of your blog, enable or disable the global background or individual post and page background support as well as set up the default options.

To add a unique background image or slideshow to a specific post or page, first make sure that in the Enable Page and Post Type Slideshows section on the setting page, you check any post types you want to allow slideshows to appear on. You’ll now find a new area on the post / page edit screens where you can add images to the Backdrop Slideshow and alter fade time, slide display time and where the images will appear. Jellyfish Backdrop uses the WordPress image uploader and Media Library, so it’s easy to choose the images you want to use. You can also reorder the images by dragging. Once you’ve finished adding and arranging your images, be sure to save the post or your changes will not be saved.

Page / Post backgrounds will override the default background so it’s possible to define one background to be used site wide and another on a specific page.

By default images are shown as the main page background (body), however you can make the images appear as backgrounds to other areas of the page by supplying any valid element id or class name in the Container field on the admin page. eg. #main, .header

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.