
IP2Location Country Blocker

Blocks unwanted visitors from accessing your frontend (blog pages) or backend (admin area) by countries or proxy servers.
Last updated
May 12, 2024
Active installations
IP2Location Country Blocker

This plugin will NOT work if any cache plugin is enabled.

This plugin enables user to block unwanted traffic from accessing your frontend (blog pages) or backend (admin area) by countries or proxy servers. It helps to reduce spam and unwanted sign ups easily by preventing unwanted visitors from browsing a particular page or entire website.

Key Features

  • Allow you to block the access from multiple countries.
  • Allow you to block the access by country grouping, such as EU, APAC, and so on.
  • Allow you to block the access from anonymous proxies.
  • Allow you to block the access by IP ranges.
  • Allow you to whitelist the crawler, for example, Google, Bing, Yandex, and so on, to index your pages (SEO friendly).
  • Supports IPv4 and IPv6
  • Default to 403 error (Permission Denied) display
  • Allow you to customize your own 403 page.
  • Send you an email notification if some one is trying to access your admin area.
  • Provide you statistical report of traffics blocked.

This plugin supports both IP2Location BIN data and web service for IP geolocation lookup. If you would like to use the IP2Location geolocation BIN data, you can easily download and update the BIN data via the plugin settings page. Alternatively, you can also download and update the BIN data file manually using the below links:

IP Geolocation file download: IP2Location & IP2Proxy LITE database (Free) IP2Location & IP2Proxy Commercial database (Comprehensive)

To use the IP2Location IP geolocation web service (REST API) for geolocation, you’ll need to register an account at IP Geolocation API. A free plan is available.

More Information

Please visit us at

Freeon Creator plan
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Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.