
alx ip statistic

Receiving ip addresses and browser identifiers of visitors on the login page and on any page of the site.
Last updated
April 25, 2022
Active installations
alx ip statistic

Receiving ip addresses , browser identifiers, error passwords (disable by default) of visitors on the login page and if use “shortcode” at any page of the site. Also work with guest users

Allows you to save data about visitors to the database for further viewing, and obtaining statistics. In the settings you can specify where you want to receive this data. It is also possible to insert a shortcode on the page or record:


When viewed on your login page or on other page (where you insert shortcode), the Data (ip adress and user agent) will be save in database. By default, only login error is logging

The plugin provides its own admin options page in the WordPress admin. Here you can define options where you whant to use this plugin and see statistics of clients. The plugin’s admin page also provides some tips.

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.