Image Switcher plugin will give you ability to set two images together and image will change on Mouse hover.
Last updated
December 7, 2018
Active installations

Note: Try your best to use 2 same height images instead of using Force Height Option

Image Switcher plugin will give you ability to set two images together and image will change on Mouse hover. There are lots of benifits you’ll get from this particular plugin. All the list given :

  • You can create shortcode from plugin admin panel.
  • You don’t need any css skill to decorate it properly.
  • Place the shortcode wherever you want.
  • Create shortcodes directly through page builders(Visual Composer, Elementor etc) (Coming Soon!).
  • Simply place this shortcode to preview the effect [image_switcher] . But you need to generate shortcode to add your own images and details.

If anyone has any idea to improve this plugin then just let me know through Here . I’ll try my best to add that in future updates

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.