HxLoadplayer is a plugin to get direct link to hxload player from google drive, google photos, mp4upload, fembed, clipwatching, vidoza, gounlimited
Last updated
July 20, 2020
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HxLoadplayer is a plugin to get direct link to hxload player from google drive, google photos, mp4upload, fembed, clipwatching, vidoza, gounlimited


  • Support multi resolution like 360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p for google drive
  • Bypass limit for google drive

Hxload API or Shortcode tag

Example shortcode tag: * [gdu link=””] * [gdu link=”” subtitle=””] * [gdu link=”” poster=”” subtitle=””]

Shortcode tag result an iframe_code

Example API for Hxload Player or iframe code with method GET: https://hxload.to/api/getlink/?secretkey=demo&link=https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wUXqu0_4gY-e0n0ymvTBYokJEc10gayf&poster=poster&subtitle=subtitle

Parameters: * secretkey. Get secret key from https://hxload.to/?p=account * link. Your remote URL * poster. Your poster URL * subtitle. Subtitle URL. If you want to use multi subtitle, example http://myweb/sub1.srt=english|http://myweb/sub2.srt=dutch (Last parameter http://myweb/sub2.srt=dutch is default subtitle)

JSON Response: { “status”: “success”, “result”: { “player”: “hxload_player_url”, “iframe”: “iframe_code” } }

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.