
HTML Regex Replace

Replace any html you write in editor (Visual or HTML) with pre-defined string. Use Regexp to define patterns for replacement.
Last updated
January 19, 2012
Active installations

HTML Regex Replace use find&replace mechanism based on regexp for your posts/pages. Plugin finds html or text using regular expressions and replaces it with predefined ‘New string’. Unlimited replacement rules. You can specify any amount of short codes, and no buttons!

For example:

(c) -> Copyright [me] -> My Full Name

Short code ‘(c)’ will be replaced with ‘Copyright’ and ‘[me]’ with ‘My Full Name’.

More than that you can fix html code or remove unwanted automatically inserted html (for example, chrome-auto-translate-plugin-dialog inserted by Auto-Translate chrome plugin).

Support Forum

Please use plugin support blog HERE for help.

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.