HT Blocks is a Gutenberg Blocks plugin which will provide you a collection of beautiful, customizable Gutenberg blocks for the new block editor.
Last updated
April 29, 2019
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HT Blocks – Absolute Gutenberg Blocks

HT Blocks is a Gutenberg Blocks plugin which will provide you a collection of beautiful, customizable Gutenberg blocks for the new block editor.

You will need Gutenberg installed for this plugin to work.

HT Blocks currently includes the following blocks:

We plan to add more in the future.

Each blocks are customizable: All of the blocks are customizable with lots of options.

Need Help?

Is there any feature that you want to get in this plugin? Needs assistance to use this plugin? Feel free to Contact us

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.