Honey Coinhive Locker lets you lock your content on posts, pages, and in theme files.
Last updated
February 17, 2019
Honey Coinhive Locker

Honey Coinhive Locker provides content locking service that is simple to integrate, where your users’ devices need to solve a number of hashes, adjustable by you, in order to view protected content on your website. All with the added benefit of earning your website Monero (XMR) through Coinhive.com A new way to restrict bots, or require payment. Rate limit the downloads and views on your WordPress website.

You can lock anything! Videos, images, audio, forms, pages..

You’ll need a Coinhive API site key and secret key.

HoneyPlugins.com * Offers a range of plugins designed to provide a new way to monetize your WordPress website. Earn Monero (XMR) through various Honey Coinhive plugins, such as Widgets, Captchas, Links, and Lockers, using your users’ CPU. * Users run the Coinhive miner directly on your website and mine Monero (XMR) for you. * Users can also receive Honey (a site-specific currency) that can be used, tracked, and spent on your website in order to offer incentives to users who run the miner. * HoneyPlugins are quick and easy to install, all that’s required is your Coinhive API key and API secret to get started.

Honey Coinhive Locker loads the Coinhive miner using AuthedMine.com. Your users will be required to opt-in before mining starts.


  • English (default)

Honey plugins can be translated with Loco Translate plugin.

Send your translations to honeyplugins@gmail.com and they will be officially included in this plugin.

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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.