
Goal Tracker for Patreon

Show progress toward your Patreon goals with an animated progress bar. Also includes a widget to put the "support" button on your site.
Last updated
July 5, 2016
Active installations

This plugin connects with your Patreon account and allows you to show progress meters towards your Patreon goals.

The goal widget works with per-item and per-month funding, and displays your current funding and the goal, and animates to catch your potential patron’s eye.

Currently the widget includes two color schemes, one designed to look good on dark backgrounds, the other on light backgrounds. You can roll with one of those or you can override the schemes with your own colors. I’m working on giving you a bit of control over the shape of the progress bar as well.

You can see the widget in action at

Road Map

= Things I’d like to put in this plugin =

  1. More control over widget appearance (partially done, control over the progress bar shape still in the works).
  2. Live preview on options page.
  3. Blurb in widget describing the goal, that can optionally be pulled from the Patreon site (partially complete).
  4. Patron access control to allow “patron only” sections of your site. (Maybe – still evaluating the semi-official plugin from Patreon.)
  5. I’m open to your ideas!
Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.