
Giveaways and Contests by PromoSimple

Include your PromoSimple entry forms within the content of any Page or Post by entering the giveaway's ID. No JavaScript or HTML required.
Last updated
April 26, 2015
Active installations
Giveaways and Contests by PromoSimple

A simple plugin that allows you to quickly add your PromoSimple promotions to your WordPress site.

Create and customize all of your giveaways and sweepstakes within your PromoSimple account, including setting entry options such as ‘Liking’ a Facebook page or ‘Following’ you on Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter. When your giveaway is ready to go live, just add the campaign’s ID to the content of any page or post on your WordPress website using the PS button in the content editor. A shortcode will appear within the content editor and, once the page or post is published, your entry form will display within your content.

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.