
Add-On for Discord and Gravity Forms

Automatically send Gravity Form entries to a Discord channel.
Last updated
June 6, 2024
Active installations
Add-On for Discord and Gravity Forms

The “Add-On for Discord and Gravity Forms” WordPress plugin is a fantastic tool that bridges the gap between your website’s forms and your Discord community! It seamlessly integrates Gravity Forms, a popular form builder plugin, with Discord, a leading communication platform.

With this add-on, you can:

  • Automatically send form submissions to a designated Discord channel
  • Map form fields to Discord message embeds, making it easy to display user-submitted data
  • Trigger custom notifications and messages based on form responses
  • Enhance user engagement and community interaction

This plugin is perfect for:

  • Community managers who want to centralize form submissions and discussions
  • Developers who need to streamline form data and notifications
  • Site owners who want to foster a more interactive and responsive community
  • Those that have unreliable email systems

By connecting Gravity Forms and Discord, this add-on simplifies communication, enhances user experience, and boosts community engagement! It’s a win-win for anyone looking to supercharge their online interactions!

Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.