
Free images pictures

Search Free images and pictures from various sources - Flickr, Pixabay and Wikimedia. Place free images to articles or pages as media.
Last updated
June 9, 2015
Active installations

Once a plugin is installed and activated in your WordPress page, you could add free images to your WP pages and posts. Images are taken from three major image sources providing image further use.

There is no requirement to obtain API key by There is no custom configuration needed. If you wish to change settings you could provide so in plugins setting page.

When you use the image, you should check whether the image has license to could be used on such sort of website where the image is added.

Arbitrary section

LIU, Y. – LUO, C. – LIU, H. Tungsten Trioxide Promoted Selective Conversion of Cellulose into Propylene Glycol and Ethylene Glycol on a Ruthenium Catalyst: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.., ISSN: 1521-3773, 2012, 51,13, s. 3249–3253

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.