Fernet Encryption is a plugin that can be used to encrypt and decrypt data in WordPress using fernet.
Last updated
April 18, 2022
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Fernet Encryption

Fernet Encryption is a plugin that can be used to encrypt and decrypt data in WordPress using fernet.

Setup your Key

To setup your key, you need to add the following line to your wp-config file.


If you choose not to setup your key, you will need to save a copy of the one provided upon activation of the plugin.

IMPORTANT: Changing your WordPress salts will invalidate the default Fernet key provided.

How to Use

To encrypt data simply use $token = fernet_encrypt( 'YOUR MESSAGE' ) in your code.

To decrypt the data simply use fernet_decrypt( $token ) in your code.

You can use the following shortcode to encrypt:

[fernet-encrypt]YOUR MESSAGE[/fernet-encrypt]

You can use the following shortcode to decrypt:


We have also added useful helper functions:

  • fernet_get_post_meta
  • fernet_add_post_meta
  • fernet_update_post_meta
  • fernet_get_user_meta
  • fernet_add_user_meta
  • fernet_update_user_meta
  • fernet_add_option
  • fernet_get_option
  • fernet_update_option


  • Illustrations provided by undraw.co
  • Fernent PHP modified from Kelvin Mo – Fernet-PHP
Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.