Supercharged WordPress CSS & JS Coding
Last updated
October 19, 2023
Active installations

Enqueueror enables WordPress developers to efficiently develop and manage their CSS & JavaScript code files, having them conditionally loaded, through the use of naming conventions and a bunch of convenient features which augment their code development workflow.

Quick Start Examples

  • Load a stylesheet globally Code a CSS file named global.css in the stylesheets directory.

  • Load a stylesheet only when viewing the page with id = 1 Code a CSS file named type-page-id-1.css or type-id-1.css in the stylesheets directory.

  • Load a stylesheet only when viewing the page with slug = ‘example-page’ Code a CSS file named type-page-slug-example-page.css or type-slug-example-page.css in the stylesheets directory.

  • Load a stylesheet only when viewing the category term with id = 1 Code a CSS file named tax-category-term-id-1.css or term-id-1.css in the stylesheets directory.

  • Load a stylesheet only when viewing the category term with slug = ‘category1’ Code a CSS file named tax-category-term-slug-category1.css or term-slug-category1.css in the stylesheets directory.


You may read the guide at GitHub.


  • Install Enqueueror.
  • Create the scripts and stylesheets directories under the active theme’s root directory.
  • Consult the guide at GitHub.
Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.