With an EMI calculator that rapidly calculates the monthly payment on their home loan, personal loan, or car loan, you may dazzle website visitors and …
Last updated
June 3, 2024
Active installations
EMI Calculator

With an EMI calculator that rapidly calculates the monthly payment on their home loan, personal loan, or car loan, you may dazzle website visitors and customers.

Shortcode – [emi_calculator]


  • Mobile friendly UI
  • Customize calculator body, form and result background color
  • Customize input field symbol background color and input field border color
  • Select chart type
  • Change Chart principal and intereset amount color
  • Change slider activ, progress and slider thumb color
  • Display result with chart
  • Customize result text setting
  • Customize result chart text setting
  • Set min and max loan amount
  • Set min and max interest rate
  • Set min and max year and month tenure
  • EMI Calculator
Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.