Populate the sites with random content: title, type, terms, meta, images, status, date, parent, sticky, Gutenberg template, etc.
Last updated
May 30, 2024
Active installations
Easy Populate Posts

Populate the sites with random content (configurable type, with tags, meta, terms, images, publish date, status, parent, sticky flag, gutenberg template).


admin_menu, register_activation_hook, register_deactivation_hook


This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Version history

4.3.2 – Tested up to 6.5.3, added the option to attach a single random term from the list; refined the taxonomies list, allow for post_tag in the taxonomies dropdowns so it can be used also for all, random or just one term; refined the post types list 4.3.1 – Fixed the type for #NO string replacement; added the option to randomly skip attaching featured image; styled the post image placeholder 4.3.0 – Tested up to 6.5; updated the Gutenberg template example; fixed the Gutenberg block validation when using media ID; added new timestamps and colors patterns; added the option to use dynamically generated meta values; display the status name in the dropdown; translations updates; styles updates; accessibility improvements 4.2.3 – Tested up to 6.4.2, assets updates 4.2.2 – Tested up to 6.3.1, added the author option, separated extra from images, translation update 4.2.1 – Tested up to 6.2.2, added the icon in the admin post listing to differentiate generate from manually created posts 4.2.0 – Added post ID, post title, post excerpt, post featured image ID, and post featured image URL as options to be used in the Gutenberg template; fixed the menu overlay 4.1.1 – Tested up to 6.2 4.1.0 – Tested up to 6.1.1, added new patterns for random date, time, date & time, longitude, and latitude, fixed the saved groups reset on plugin deactivate 4.0.0 – Tested up to 6.0.2, added the Gutenberg template option, added helper hooks, added the option to save settings as groups that can be restored, added the option to import/export settings groups, updated the images samples, fixed the number of items to generate 3.9.0 – Added patterns and hints, updated post types selectable list, fixed the settings not saving all the terms options 3.8.0 – Tested up to 5.8.2, filters for meta, new option to increase/decrease the number of taxonomies and meta options, new option to reuse images from the media library, new option to add random terms, fixed the uncategorized term 3.7.1 – Fixed random status generator, better trim, new screenshot 3.7.0 – Tested up to 5.8, UI updates, new option for generating Gutenberg blocks and use drop cap, new image samples, fix multiple sample images on Safari 3.6.1 – Fix extra comma 3.6 – Tested up to 5.6, coding standards updates 3.5.2 – Tested up to 5.5, icon update 3.5.1 – expose the registered post meta including the ACF fields, support for serialized post meta values 3.5 – Tested up to 5.4 version, auto-increment numeric prefix, date input, fix layout on small resolution, new sample images 3.4 – Tested up to 5.2.2 version, removed unusable post types, two more post meta options, the option to specify taxonomy terms by names (will be generated if not found), new options grouping, status hints, translation added, new assets samples 3.3 – Tested up to 5.2.1 version, new assets samples 3.2 – Tested up to 4.9.8 version, excerpts 3.1 – Tested up to 4.8 version, tags and image preview 3.0 – Tested up to 4.8 version, cleanup the content generated when the plugin is deactivated (this will work for new content) 2.0 – Post parent option, specific date, specific status 1.0 – Initial version.

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.