An easy to use shortcode for inserting a Creative Commons license image or license block to your posts or pages.
Last updated
January 24, 2014
Active installations
Easy CC License

Easy CC License creates a WordPress shortcode for adding Creative Commons license information to your posts. All you have to do is use the shortcode [ezcc] in any post and the plugin does the rest. The plugin also gives you the option of including a Creative Commons license at the end of every post, every page, or every post and page.

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This plugin comes with an uninstall feature, so it won’t leave any trace in your database after it has been uninstalled. It also caches your license settings so that it doesn’t slow down your website with unnecessary calls to the Creative Commons API. It doesn’t create extra tables, content types, or taxonomies.

And, you can always visit my website (It’s mostly about awesome open source robots, if you’re into that kinda thing).

To Do List

  • Create an option for small image. Right now it is hardcoded for the large image.
  • Create an option to override global license options on a per-shortcode basis.
  • Include multi-language support.
Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.