
Dynamic Connector Block

Dynamic connector block allows you to add dynamic content based on different conditions on each post.
Last updated
April 5, 2024
Dynamic Connector Block

You can now insert curated content into multiple posts, using logic to determine what displays site-wide, without hiring a developer or writing code.

What is it used for?

🎨 Display Dynamic CTAs: Show custom calls-to-action (CTAs) based on where your visitors are and what they’re interested in.

📚 Create Tailored Content: Craft content that adapts to your visitors’ preferences, making their browsing experience more relevant and engaging.

📊 Optimize Conversions: Target specific audiences with the right message at the right time, increasing conversions and engagement rates.


Category Ruleset (Free Feature): Display dynamic blocks based on certain post categories. ✨ Taxonomy Ruleset (Pro Feature): Display dynamic blocks based on any public post taxonomy. ✨ Title Ruleset (Pro Feature): Display dynamic blocks based on post title. ✨ Priority Setting (Pro Feature): Display dynamic blocks based on the order of importance/priority.

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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.