Display your Twitter post and in the pages of its website .
Last updated
January 28, 2016
Active installations
Twitter Base

I created twitter base to allow the integration of Twitter with wordpress. Here are some features:


  • Create Your application on Twitter by logging on to your profile
  • Indicates the bees access and twitter username
  • Indicate the number of twitter to render
  • Use the shortcode to display the twitter posts and pages in your site

Twitter Base Card: Meta box customize Twitter Cards experience

Twitter Base Widgets: Displays the list of twitter by configuration set

Twitter Base: Compatible with ShortCake

Twitter Base Shortcode: The shortcode made available to allow the insertion of components twitter based in a post or a page in wordpress . Each shortcode has parameters of customization that can be specified in the code itself.

  • [dw-twitter-stream num = “”]

  • [dw-twitter-card tweet = “”]

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.