
Maras IT Suite : Core Configuration

The Suite is a set of tools and configuration from MarasIT your End to End WordPress Agency. Core Configuration is the basement of all others
Last updated
November 16, 2019
Maras IT Suite : Core Configuration

The Suite is a set of tools and configuration from MarasIT your End to End WordPress Agency. Core Configuration is the basement of all others which activate a default set of WordPress settings.

PLUGINS: – iThemes Security (formerly Better WP Security) – W3 Total Cache – WP-Optimize – Clean – Compress – Cache – Timber – CMB2 – Activate Namespace In Themes (by Maras IT) – Activate Namespace In Plugin (by Maras IT) – Development Environement Suite (by Maras IT)

CONSTANTS: ` define(\’FS_METHOD\’, \’direct\’); define(\’DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT\’, true ); define(\’DVK_DEBUG\’, false); define(\’WP_DEBUG\’, false); define(\’FORCE_SSL_LOGIN\’, true); define(\’FORCE_SSL_ADMIN\’, true); define(\’FORCE_SSL\’, true); define(\’CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS\’, true); define(\’COMPRESS_SCRIPTS\’, true); define(\’COMPRESS_CSS\’, true); define(\’ENFORCE_GZIP\’, true); define(\’FS_CHMOD_DIR\’, ( 0755 & ~ umask() ) ); define(\’FS_CHMOD_FILE\’, ( 0644 & ~ umask() ) ); define(\’WP_MEMORY_LIMIT\’, \’512M\’);

// debug define(\’WP_DEBUG_LOG\’, true); define(\’WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY\’, false); define(\’SCRIPT_DEBUG\’, true ); define(\’SAVEQUERIES\’, true ); `

NAMESPACE: \DvkConf namespace allow you to acces the wp-content/plugins/dvk-conf directory with namespace use instead of require_once or variations

METHODS: by adding :use DvkConf\\Utils\\Debug; you can dump your test with Debug::dump($your_variable) which will use var_dump or VarDumper for Symfony depending on your configuration. by adding use DvkConf\\Utils\\Functions; you can \”override\” a parent theme function with this syntax : Functions::f($my_prefix.\'wp_header\')(); To use this feature, you will need to create a function wp_header()\' which will contain the code to replace the original functionwp_header(). In case your function do not existswp_header()will be executed. In casewp_header()do not exists aOoops` dump will show in place of the function

Freeon Creator plan
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.