Easily duplicate your WordPress menus with one click.
Last updated
April 12, 2024
Active installations

Some WordPress installs use very elaborate navigation systems powered by core Menus. They’re a fantastic feature that can often make or break a theme. Menus aren’t very portable out of the box, however. If you’re looking to make a change to a Menu you’re pretty much working live without a quick way to revert back to an old version. That’s where Duplicate Menu comes in.

Duplicate Menu will allow you to create a second (or third, or fourth, etc.) copy of an existing Menu to do with what you will. It generates the clone on a programmatic level and recreates all necessary relationships to ensure the structure is retained as well.

Find out more information in my explanatory article on Duplicate Menu

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.